Thursday, October 15, 2009

Giant Guinea Pigs?

I was working on my fact sheet and I came across something rather fascinating.

Giant Guinea Pig? It really exist! *jaw drops* 0.0

Well this big ass giant guinea pig is actually called "Capybara". These 100KG and 4 ft long mammal were mostly found in South America like Brazil and Peru.

Google It! =)

Indefinite relief?

Its been weeks since I could actually sit down in front of my computer while listening to my favorite tune and lay my fingers on this deserted and echoed blog.. The truth is, the ASSignments have been raping me in my bed every night and I've been sleeping 0-4 hours everyday for weeks now.. To top it all..

Degree kills..

Really =)

On the bright side however,

My parents came down last night, took me out to celebrate my sister's birthday at TGIF =)

Finally some bloody red meat after weeks of nasi goreng *drools*

Jack Daniel Steak

And for the past weeks, I've been surviving with my 10-year-old monitor which has been turning Yellow and Blue ever since.. Yeap.. I've been working on my fact sheet and what not with it.. Macam color blind..

Thankfully, my dad got me an LCD screen monitor =)

Now 1 Assignment down.. more to go =(
Fuck it, I'm taking a break tonight..

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

The commercial entitled "The Sweetest Thing" is a courtesy of a communication project and academic contribution.

This commercial is protected under the copyright laws of Malaysia. This video is solely shared for home use and viewing pleasure only and all other rights are expressly reserved by the copyright owner. Any copying or plagiarism on such commercial is strictly prohibited and may subject the offender to civil liability and severe criminal penalties.

- Cirrus Communication Team
- Agam the Editor
- and Beloved Famous Amos Cookies


Saturday, September 26, 2009

The lil' town Kenny was born

As I was going through my phone gallery, I found a couple of pictures I took back in Kluang. In case you guys have no idea where that is, Kluang is about 110 km north of Johor Bahru, east-southeast of Batu Pahat, west of Mersing and south of Segamat.

Even though I was born in Kluang, I only managed to spend time in this lil town before I could even open my eyes. Back then, my parents were working in KL and the reason why they purposely returned to Kluang to "poop" me out, still remained as a mystery until today.

Little I know, Kluang is pretty famous with it's Kluang Railway Station coffee which now they have open up a couple of Kluang Station branch in KL.

Here's the original Kluang Railway Kopitiam.

However famous the coffee is, Kluang is undeniably one of the top "Ah Lian & Ah Beng" producer in the world. To emphasize, they can literally drown you with their spit" :P

So yeah, the Lala, Ketam, and Shrimps people that includes the "Ireallydon'tfuckinggetit" kinda fashion are all originated from there.



Stepping off from the ledge

Hello peeps! In case you guys thought I would have abandoned this blog once again.. I guess I really should start updating every now and then once I have the time to :P

Really, I'm a man of my word ;)


1. Assignments are piling up faster than I getting them done. With reports after reports, presentations after presentations, production, print and broadcast analysis to do (Even tho I don't have a TV at home), social campaign, news writing, weblog and what not.

2. I'm now a part-time survivor, killing zombies in the city once in a while. With more and more zombies coming, the slaying seems forever.

3. In the meantime, Mafia War got me pretty hooked up actually. Gotta check on my tobacco business in Cuba while taking care of my property in NY. Do add me to your "familia" anyway aite?

4. And counting.

Now about saving this blog, I sort of had this idea of blogging about dreams that I have had. Not to focus totally on my dreams anyway but, I do have some really fucking weird/extraordinary dreams once in a while.. :P Hmmm.. Perhaps..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dato is back

Saturday, PJ - Rumor says that Dato' James Edward David, also known as Jimmy Eduardo Davez is back in town. On Saturday morning last week, a black Honda City VTEC with full body kit modification and bloody dark titanium windows tinting have been spotted on Jalan PJS 8/9 near Sunway. Moreover, our intel also provided that that rido has gold rims on it too. Apparently, the rido has been modified once again with added new echoed horn sounds which indeed causes major unwanted attention on the street which many believe would also cause damages to car alarm system, and faint hearted people. Damn.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Apa Cerita?

Hey fellas, finally I got my internet backy. Stupid Citibank never pay my internet bill. Anyway, it's time to pick up from where I left.

So what's trippin' yo?

Besides having MAA meeting 3-4 times a week, which eventually we'd ended up drawing pictures like this:

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And at times I got dragged to the arcade to watch the ladies shoot shoot and drive like made women. Well, It's not that I don't play video games but playing at places like this for just half an hour, I could buy myself a damn nice meal like..

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The Danger! Dangerr! Bang Bang!

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And eh What the....?

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Oh.. for a second I thought the car was driven by itself.. :P

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But of course.. Things have been quite progressive and as a matter of fact, I even borrowed books from the college library which happens only once a year.

Err.. when is the book due again?
free download
