Thursday, October 15, 2009

Giant Guinea Pigs?

I was working on my fact sheet and I came across something rather fascinating.

Giant Guinea Pig? It really exist! *jaw drops* 0.0

Well this big ass giant guinea pig is actually called "Capybara". These 100KG and 4 ft long mammal were mostly found in South America like Brazil and Peru.

Google It! =)

Indefinite relief?

Its been weeks since I could actually sit down in front of my computer while listening to my favorite tune and lay my fingers on this deserted and echoed blog.. The truth is, the ASSignments have been raping me in my bed every night and I've been sleeping 0-4 hours everyday for weeks now.. To top it all..

Degree kills..

Really =)

On the bright side however,

My parents came down last night, took me out to celebrate my sister's birthday at TGIF =)

Finally some bloody red meat after weeks of nasi goreng *drools*

Jack Daniel Steak

And for the past weeks, I've been surviving with my 10-year-old monitor which has been turning Yellow and Blue ever since.. Yeap.. I've been working on my fact sheet and what not with it.. Macam color blind..

Thankfully, my dad got me an LCD screen monitor =)

Now 1 Assignment down.. more to go =(
Fuck it, I'm taking a break tonight..
free download
