Thursday, October 15, 2009

Giant Guinea Pigs?

I was working on my fact sheet and I came across something rather fascinating.

Giant Guinea Pig? It really exist! *jaw drops* 0.0

Well this big ass giant guinea pig is actually called "Capybara". These 100KG and 4 ft long mammal were mostly found in South America like Brazil and Peru.

Google It! =)

Indefinite relief?

Its been weeks since I could actually sit down in front of my computer while listening to my favorite tune and lay my fingers on this deserted and echoed blog.. The truth is, the ASSignments have been raping me in my bed every night and I've been sleeping 0-4 hours everyday for weeks now.. To top it all..

Degree kills..

Really =)

On the bright side however,

My parents came down last night, took me out to celebrate my sister's birthday at TGIF =)

Finally some bloody red meat after weeks of nasi goreng *drools*

Jack Daniel Steak

And for the past weeks, I've been surviving with my 10-year-old monitor which has been turning Yellow and Blue ever since.. Yeap.. I've been working on my fact sheet and what not with it.. Macam color blind..

Thankfully, my dad got me an LCD screen monitor =)

Now 1 Assignment down.. more to go =(
Fuck it, I'm taking a break tonight..

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

The commercial entitled "The Sweetest Thing" is a courtesy of a communication project and academic contribution.

This commercial is protected under the copyright laws of Malaysia. This video is solely shared for home use and viewing pleasure only and all other rights are expressly reserved by the copyright owner. Any copying or plagiarism on such commercial is strictly prohibited and may subject the offender to civil liability and severe criminal penalties.

- Cirrus Communication Team
- Agam the Editor
- and Beloved Famous Amos Cookies


Saturday, September 26, 2009

The lil' town Kenny was born

As I was going through my phone gallery, I found a couple of pictures I took back in Kluang. In case you guys have no idea where that is, Kluang is about 110 km north of Johor Bahru, east-southeast of Batu Pahat, west of Mersing and south of Segamat.

Even though I was born in Kluang, I only managed to spend time in this lil town before I could even open my eyes. Back then, my parents were working in KL and the reason why they purposely returned to Kluang to "poop" me out, still remained as a mystery until today.

Little I know, Kluang is pretty famous with it's Kluang Railway Station coffee which now they have open up a couple of Kluang Station branch in KL.

Here's the original Kluang Railway Kopitiam.

However famous the coffee is, Kluang is undeniably one of the top "Ah Lian & Ah Beng" producer in the world. To emphasize, they can literally drown you with their spit" :P

So yeah, the Lala, Ketam, and Shrimps people that includes the "Ireallydon'tfuckinggetit" kinda fashion are all originated from there.



Stepping off from the ledge

Hello peeps! In case you guys thought I would have abandoned this blog once again.. I guess I really should start updating every now and then once I have the time to :P

Really, I'm a man of my word ;)


1. Assignments are piling up faster than I getting them done. With reports after reports, presentations after presentations, production, print and broadcast analysis to do (Even tho I don't have a TV at home), social campaign, news writing, weblog and what not.

2. I'm now a part-time survivor, killing zombies in the city once in a while. With more and more zombies coming, the slaying seems forever.

3. In the meantime, Mafia War got me pretty hooked up actually. Gotta check on my tobacco business in Cuba while taking care of my property in NY. Do add me to your "familia" anyway aite?

4. And counting.

Now about saving this blog, I sort of had this idea of blogging about dreams that I have had. Not to focus totally on my dreams anyway but, I do have some really fucking weird/extraordinary dreams once in a while.. :P Hmmm.. Perhaps..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dato is back

Saturday, PJ - Rumor says that Dato' James Edward David, also known as Jimmy Eduardo Davez is back in town. On Saturday morning last week, a black Honda City VTEC with full body kit modification and bloody dark titanium windows tinting have been spotted on Jalan PJS 8/9 near Sunway. Moreover, our intel also provided that that rido has gold rims on it too. Apparently, the rido has been modified once again with added new echoed horn sounds which indeed causes major unwanted attention on the street which many believe would also cause damages to car alarm system, and faint hearted people. Damn.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Apa Cerita?

Hey fellas, finally I got my internet backy. Stupid Citibank never pay my internet bill. Anyway, it's time to pick up from where I left.

So what's trippin' yo?

Besides having MAA meeting 3-4 times a week, which eventually we'd ended up drawing pictures like this:

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And at times I got dragged to the arcade to watch the ladies shoot shoot and drive like made women. Well, It's not that I don't play video games but playing at places like this for just half an hour, I could buy myself a damn nice meal like..

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The Danger! Dangerr! Bang Bang!

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And eh What the....?

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Oh.. for a second I thought the car was driven by itself.. :P

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But of course.. Things have been quite progressive and as a matter of fact, I even borrowed books from the college library which happens only once a year.

Err.. when is the book due again?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Don't be an animal! Stop animal cruelty!

Sorry bout the post earlier, my internet got cut off before I could even figure out a title which could best describe what I'm about to voice out here. Shit. Anyway, some of you may have already heard of the incident in Pulau Ketam a.k.a Crap Island. Perhaps it would even sound better to name it, Full of Crap Island from now on.

Well, most people who have been to or at least heard of Pulau Ketam may recognize it as one of the island located off the coast of Port Klang. Or maybe a fishing village where you could possibly get good and cheap seafood. Rite?

Unfortunately for Pulau Ketam residents, the story of your Crap Island may as well be rewritten which in that case, you're about to be called Crappy people too.

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To start it off, these stray dogs stuck in that cage are about to get their free express tickets to Hell. Unfortunately, they're also accompanied by hundreds of other doggies and puppies to a mission called "Doggies' Worst Nightmare".

How worst can it be? About two weeks ago, 400 stray dogs have been "Cast Away" to an island by the Pulau Ketam residents without any source of food or shelter. They were basically just thrown there, like garbage.

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The worst part is, because they had no food to survive with, and obviously they can't climb a tree to pluck some coconut like Tom Hanks did, some dogs ended up cannibalizing each other, hungrily feasting on the remains of other weaker dogs to survive. To put it in another word, dog eat dog.

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With now over 200 dogs are dead, the SPCA and FFF (Furry Friends Farm) have been making their effort to rescue the remaining dogs on the island.

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There appear to be a few Australian volunteering at FFF too!

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Now you can lend a hand too!

SPCA and SAS are appealing to the public to contribute to their Pulau Ketam fund, to aid the emergency rescue and relief efforts over the next several weeks. Funds will be utilized to hire boats for transportation of the dogs, purchase dog food, medical supplies and cages. The start-up fund is RM1,300 – proceeds from a networking event SPCA organized last Sunday.

They also appreciate donations in kind – 3’ x 3’ multipurpose cages, dog biscuits and canned food, food and water bowls, towels, water storage containers, and flea/tick spray. All donated items can be sent to the SPCA Animal Shelter in Ampang Jaya.

It's also a click away!

Please click here to make a donation through their account. Please indicate that the donation is for the Pulau Ketam Project.

Fund Transfers & Cheques

You can bank in the payment to our RHB account (Account No: 2-12273-00021583). Please call or e-mail us at to notify us of your bank-in donation and transaction details.

Please make all cheques to the Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (please write Pulau Ketam fund on the reverse), and mail to ;

SPCA Selangor
Jalan Kerja Ayer Lama
68000 Ampang Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Enquiries: 603-42565312 (8am - 4.30pm), 4253-5312 (10am – 6.30pm)

Or you can do the least by spreading the word right? They're man's best friend and yet what man have done to them..

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Too busy being fabulous

Before I continue, am not writing this because I'm a fan of scandal. Don't judge me, I'm not a perv :) It all started on Monday when we went for a movie at Pyramid okay? I was so excited cos I really wanted to watch Drag Me To Hell! Unfortunately, I Got Dragged To Hell instead. Reason?

Justin: Come la, we watch 17 Again.
Gracie: Eh don't want la, scary la the movie. We watch next week okay? Today we watch 17 Again.
Lilo : Yeah! I wanna watch Drag Me To Hell also but never mind, 17 Again is cool with me.
Laura : Ahahahah! We're watching 17 Again. And you're coming.
Fara : M.I.A

Well, It's obvious there isn't any democracy at all. Fine!

I really thought the movie's gonna suck big time cos to me it looks like some High School Musical shit. Surprisingly, not bad after all. At least better than Blood: The Last Vampire I would say. But still, another popcorn movie which you can buy DVD and watch at home. Pah!

Later in the evening,

Josh: So what movie did you watch?
Me : 17 Again.
Josh: Ahahahahah! What the fuck!?
Me : It's alright, not that bad though.
Josh: Zec Efron huh? Lucky bastard.
Me : Why?
Josh: Vanessa Hudgens, his girlfriend right?
Me : Ohh.. Really? What about her?
Josh: You know she posed naked in a picture and it's all over the net? Dono la, all this Disney people. All got scandal one.

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But seriously, there has been so many scandals in these recent years. Perhaps it all started from "One Night In Paris"? Cos it seems like everybody is following her footstep.

From the dude name Edison who slept so many that he had to take their photographs to even remember their name.

And then there's Uncle Chua who became famous for his quote, "I'm the man in the video". He sure got balls man!

And of course, the never-ending teenagers who enjoys the limelight as much as the men shaft. Like taping themselves doing the thang!

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Uh Oh..

But hey! Looks like soon there's gonna be "One Night In Paris Part 2" Okay I'm just exaggerating :) But anyway, looks like the 80 Million United wonderboy managed to spent a night in Paris before making his way to Madrid!

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The boy who's known for his quick feet apparently has quick hand too! Look where your hand is going son. Preeeet! Hand ball!

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This lad sure likes to play ball wherever he goes. Well this time, he gets to play whichever "position" he wants :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

The girl who said she was tipsy

Bloody Blood

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Today, I fell into a pool of blood and became stupid. So stupid i almost forget my name, I even thought I was a Korean in America slaying Zombies with a Katana. Pah! Oh! Or was it Vampires. Does it really matter anyway.

Today Derek came down from Ipoh and we hung out, so much to do we went "cuci mulut" @ AC, "cuci kerongkong" at RedBox, "cuci mata" @ Starbucks, and after watching Blood: The Last Vampire at TGV.. I really really wanted to "cuci otak" as well.

All this while, I've always been meticulous when comes to choosing movies.. And because Jia Juh and I were sort of a "fan" :P of this Giordano commercial, mainly because Jeon Ji Hyun look damn "Sassy" in it, we both fell into the "Pit of Stupidity"

Because JJ and I thought, Eh! I heard Jeon Ji Hyun is a demon slayer in schoolgirl costume.. Damns!

Anyway, nuf said bout her.. what about Blood: The Last Vampire? All I could say about it is, it took away 50 IQ from us and taught us 2 things.. Never ever watch another movie directed by this dude name "CHRIS NAHON" and secondly, Korea and America does not go well together. Am not talking bout Obama's war with the North Korean but just imagine having Kim Chi on your American breakfast. Yeah, next thing you know you'd have to "cuci punggung" as well..

The movie itself is undeniably the 2nd most "Intelligently Challenged" movie after "The Spirit".. First thing first, the Korean speaks Japanese like Sushi and Sashimi which you chop chop and then wrap it up.. and their English was like, "I sink my Engrish reri reri shuck, like peri peri duck".

I actually thought it would have been a great movie back in 80's or early 90's cos their CGI quality is like worst than the games I play on my computer? And oh their fighting scene seem more like their fighting and chopping down mannequins really.. For a second, we thought we were playing Left4Dead too :)

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf...

Sorry for the lengthy and long winded thoughts, am writing whatever's in my head now. It doesn't feel good to be guinea pig really. :(

Okay okay, my brain really needs to shut down and restart later. It's like there's a virus devouring my brain cells rite now.. Where's the rum?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Let it snow! Let it snow!

Ahhhhh~ I want Christmas!!

There he goes

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Finally he's leaving. Ronaldo would certainly be missed (i think) cos finding a replacement for a player who could score 40-50 goals from a winger position in one season ain't easy. Daime! Even Messi can't do that..

Whatever the people have to say about it. Honestly, I'd probably be the happiest to see him leave. Seriously, to think about it, it has once proven again that Uncle Fergie's the man! What have we lost?

The hard cold fact is, We brought him in for 12 million, sell him off at 80 million and all these years, he had been such a great servant to United, scoring goals and winning competitions for United. Why not toast to the 80 million?

Knowing Fergie, am sure he's got a shortlist of players who could very well replace Ronaldo..

And then I thought, hmmm I'm sure Grace would go like, "OMG! He's so hot! And he's leaving!"

Turns out,

KillKenny says:
ronaldo is leaving united to real madrid.. for 80Million

[G] race says:
i know!
I sorta want him to stay

KillKenny says:
are u stil gon support united?

[G] race says:
though i really dont like him
he's like the best AND selfish player in manu

KillKenny says:
eh.. i tot u were like "OMG he's so hot!"

[G] race says:
eh? nooo...i like darren fletcher!
and and machedaaaaa
u can blog about this whole manU thing
...just an idea

KillKenny says:
yes i am
thats why im asking ur opinion so that i can include that

[G] race says:
i dont think he's hot
he's got skills but he only does a one man showww
so yeahhhh damn lousyy

KillKenny says:
weeee...... toast to the 80Million!

[G] race says:
HAHA! it isnt dat much phfft!
cheapo ronaldo


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yo momma so fat...

We were so bored we decided to work our brain a bit.. :)

KillKenny says:
"yo momma so fat, when she goes to the market, ppl say "hail megatron!"

JoshFernandez says:
yoyoyo check it out2
Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise

KillKenny says:
ooooo... aite aite..
yo momma so fat, when she sweats, people yelled "Ahhh! Tsunami"!!

JoshFernandez says: we go2
check this out yo...
Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she slips and fall.. people thought it was earthquake..

JoshFernandez says:

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she goes on the highway, she stays on the left lane. "Kenderaan berat ikut kiri"
take that

JoshFernandez says:
your mama so fat, when she farted she launched herself into orbit!

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she goes to a restaurant, nobody else gets to enter cos
"son, i'm stuck!"

JoshFernandez says:
ooooo....yoyoyo......your mama so fat, she lost a game at Hide&Seek only cos I spotted her...behind Mount Everest.

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat cos when michael bay saw her, he decided to make King Kong 3

JoshFernandez says:
yoyoyo check it out2
yo mama so fat, she make olympic sumo wrestlers look anorexic.

KillKenny says:
ohh.. aite aite.. check this out..
yo momma so fat, she she twisted her leg, they needed a tow car to take her to the hospital..

JoshFernandez says:
check it out2
Yo mama so fat when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please"

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when the air france disappeared, she's the only survivor cos she's stuck at the bermuda triangle.. oooohh..

JoshFernandez says:
thts good shit
check this out2
Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement park, people try to ride HER!

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she goes jungle trekking, people tot big foot was for real..

JoshFernandez says:
ooooooo......yo mama so fat, people shouts GODZILLA!!

KillKenny says:
oooo.. check this out
yo momma so fat, when she goes bungee jump, the government decided to evacuate the whole city..

JoshFernandez says:
check it out3
Yo Mama is so fat, when she told me her weight I thought it was her phone number!

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she sneezes, the mayans predicted "Doomsday!"

JoshFernandez says:
yo momas so fat that when god said let there be light, he asked her to move first.
yo momas so fat that when god said let there be light, he asked her to move first.

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she goes poo poo, Indah Water says, "BULLSHIT"

JoshFernandez says:
yo mama so fat , she once told me 'Im so hungy i could eat a whole cow'...believe me, she wasn't kidding!

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she goes swimming, people took a footage and put it on

yo momma so fat, ferguson decided to buy her to fill the goalkeeper position..
c'mon bring it on!

JoshFernandez says:
yo mama so fat, when decepticons came and saw her, they all said "we give up"

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she got eaten by t-rex, t-rex died of diabetes..

JoshFernandez says:
Yo mama so fat she was floating in the ocean and people thought its an island

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she go sky diving, people thought its 10PM already..

JoshFernandez says:
yo mama so fat, she sinks the whole south pole and the world ends

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she dance, people tot it was "stomp the yard" competition

JoshFernandez says:
yo mama so fat, she needs a map to find her ass

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she travels, usher sings "moving mountain"

JoshFernandez says:
yo mama so fat, she forgot she's pregnant

KillKenny says:
yo momma so fat, when she sneezes, the whole world gets H1N1
take that yo!

yo momma so fat, when she sleeps, they made pokemon "SNORLEX"

yo momma so fat, NASA sent her to space to cover the black hole..

yo momma so fat, Levi's had to come out with Levi's Unbuttoned

And Josh gave up.. Now who's momma is fat huh?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

End of the world?

Finally I watched "War of The World" for the very first time. Yeah, I wonder why I didn't watch it years ago too! Hmmmm.. anyway, I thought the idea of the movie was good. What happens if Alien plan to attack us one day. It would certainly change the world, from history, to science, to religion. But then I thought again, what happens if the Mayan's prediction of the end of the world in 2012 is real? Kewl!

The official trailer of the 2012 movie

Interesting wei! Must watch! But then, what's more interesting to me is that, according to the Long Count calendar of the Mayans, the world ends on December 21, 2012.

HOLY SHIT! It's my birthday!

:) At least I get to celebrate my last birthday if the world really ends in 2012 rite? It's gonna be the biggest birthday party I've ever had.. hee..

Monday, June 8, 2009


No, it is not about Elmo.. this is how Joshua and I reacted after reading some "interesting" comment about the upcoming Transformers movie.

This is the story:

Earlier today, Josh came back from work and said he found some bloody awesome stuff on the net. Wondering what it is, he mentioned a blog written about Transformers with a title which really caught his attention.

Transformers 2: Dendam Robot Yang Jatuh

No I'm not being racist or anything, it IS damn bloody gempak man! Look at what I found on another blog!

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WOAH! (Rub eyes) The England and Malaysia damn powderful man if you "campur" together.

Well if that's the case, perhaps the poster should be something like this..

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Maybe later on they'll start naming Optimus Prime (Optimus Prima), Bumble Bee (Bumble Lebah) and Ironhide (Besi Sorok)? GEMPAK SIAL! :D


The winner of this season's British Got Talent will blow you away. Considering the fact that I've got no TV at home, am really no fan of this kind of show. But when my friend Derek told me bout it and showed me the video, my jaw nearly fell off yo! They're just effing cun, among them were 10 and 12 years old kid who can flip the shit out of you man!

If you don't know about them yet, better check them out.

Their first appearance on the talent show

And here's the link to the Semi Final: Mission Impossible

The Grand Final: Transformers

Jonker's Street!

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Yesterday was a rather spontaneous day which I went to Malacca with my sister after so many years. Just because she said she's itchy, we degeduk degeduk yee haa! Reach there at about 6 in the evening.

After all these years, they now have Burger King! And Golden Screen Cinemas! Kay, I last visited Malacca when I was still in primary school. Can't help it. It's like Michael Jackson turning from black to white which I can now hardly recognize. It's amazing. The Eye of Malaysia is there too. I felt so like a cavemen.

Anyway, our first stop... Chicken Rice Ball!

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The Riceball: "So good you can even eat it on it's own"

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No we did not eat just this much, the rest is already in the stomach :)

Pheeweet! The chick is so smooth!

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And then we took off to Jonker's Street which I only bought a 1921 America coin. But of course, there's so much stuff to buy at Jonker's Street from collectible coins to bongs :D Lots of cool antique stuff tho.

After a long walk, our cousins brought us to this dark alley where you can find the best "Lala and Siham".

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Hotties, let's go to Malacca one day and who knows we might be able to get more inspiration for our project rite?
free download
